Cannabidiol, otherwise known as CBD, is one of the abundant cannabinoids found in the Cannabis Sativa L. plant. Both industrial hemp and medical marijuana can be processed from this plant. CBD, however, is a compound found throughout the whole plant inclusive to the seeds it starts as. In hemp-based extractions, you’ll find strains containing over 99% pure cannabidiol and <1% delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) content.
Because cannabinoids are capable of interacting with the endocannabinoid system through various types of receptors, we are able to enjoy the benefits of CBD in a way that is safe and without the side effects felt by THC.
Hemp oil can be extracted through either industrial hemp or medical marijuana. It is either grown domestically or internationally, and this factor tends to dictate the quality of your hemp. Many suppliers out there ship overseas, making organically grown cannabidiol difficult to produce. It is crucial to be consuming organic hemp that is non-GMO and pesticide free to ensure the best possible experience with CBD.